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Sunday, September 9, 2012

1st Win Mobile Application

I can share with my experience on the  windows  mobile application through this post . First we can discusses what  are the tool  need to develop the simple windows mobile application . Lsited below tools are needed , click on below tool names and download it .

  1. Visual Studio 2010 
  2. Visual Studio 2010 Service pack 1
  3. Windows Phone SDK 7.1
Download above tools and install it.

System Requirement 

  1.  OS must be windows , 
  2.   2 GB (32 Bit) or 4 GB (64 Bit) RAM  is better for use.

After finished your installation . First open the visual studio after that open your windows  phone emulator .
it be shown as below image .

Visual Studio

Windows mobile emulator 

Now go to the visual studio and create the new project (File>New>Project)

It will pop up the window .you will select the mobile phone application .(Visual C# > Silver light for Windows Phone > Windows Phone Application)
Then type the project name and select the location for where need to save the project.

Select the windows phone OS version its select the emulator version 

Then it will open the below window