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Saturday, February 9, 2013


About Windmill...

What is a windmill ?

It is a web automation tool and it help to cross web browser platform testing and it most like selenium.i have most practical knowledge in selenium and i shared my knowledge on selenium in my previous  Blog . And it more fulfill the following kind of tests in web based projects 
  • Regression testing - re-testing after fixes or modifications of the software or its environment. the windmill is a automation testing tool so it useful for this kind of testing.
  • functional testing - it help to test the functional requirement of the project 

How to install and use the windmill in Linux

System requirement 

First we need to install python and setup tool installation steps are following 
  • sudo apt-get install python 2.7 /python2.6
  • wget
  • sudo python windmill
  • sudo  apt-get install python-setuptools
  • sudo apt-get install python-simplejson


     sudo easy_install windmill

Run / starting IDE

   windmill shell firefox* 

It open the widnmill IDE and it has following features and option .
  • it has options for  recording , playing and editing  test cases.
  • it has DOM  explorer for capture the field locations for editing and debugging the test case.
  • Can input the assert for  the validating test case.
  • it integrate with firebug lite.

 * can be safari / IE

After installation finished , ensure these are done in your system

  • Downloaded folder (Windmill) there is a executable file if you use linux os then execute this file as mention below  - ./
  • Go to this file as in hidden folder, if you use linux "  ~/.windmill/ "and update your browser profile folder and binary folder as given below                    MOZILLA_BINARY='/usr/bin/firefox'

Running test case in windmill IDE

First start the windmill IDE. Starting command as given below

                 windmill firefox "your testing URL"

Below image shown the terminal 

Run the windmill IDE

and Open the browser 

These are the menus in windmill IDE

Click on the "Start Record " Button

Output of the Recorded test cases

Run the recorded test cases and check 

Output Of Performance test cases 

What the difference between selenium and windmill 

  1. In selenium has a Firefox plugin that lets you record actions and assertions and play them back but windmill ide record and asset action with firefox , safari and IE .
  2. Windmill support cross domain but selenium support only some trusted domain.
  3. Windmill supporting languages are Python, javascript and Ruby and selenium support many language.
  4. Windmill integrated with web based debugging tool such as firebug , firebug lite and inspector there no integration in selenium IDE.
  5. Proxy manipulation support only for windmill.

Reference :


just shared my knowledge on windmill   come from goggling  and next blog should be regarding windmill with practical knowledge....


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