What is Buildbot ?
It is a QA tool make sure the code changes and validate the tree structure of project and it integrate with the CVS and SVN .
It like a configuration management tool because it store information about versions and builds of software and test ware. And also it like a client-server architecture mean it had buildbot master and buildbot slave.
It like a configuration management tool because it store information about versions and builds of software and test ware. And also it like a client-server architecture mean it had buildbot master and buildbot slave.
How to install the buildbot in Linux
System requirement
Ins Install
- Get the buildbot master
- Create a directory (mkdir /temp/buildbot/).
- virtualenv --no-site-packages sandbox
- source sandbox/bin/activate
- easy_install buildbot
- Creating master
buildbot create-master master mv master/master.cfg.sample master/master.cfg
Start the master
buildbot start master
Check the log
- Creating Slave
- source sandbox/bin/activate
Install the slave command
easy_install buildbot-slave
S Start the slave
buildbot start slave
Check the log
Browser open like below
it will display the webpage. After all configuration finish we can see multiple view of build for example following views
Waterfall view
Console View
other views Grid View and Transposed View
Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. -Bill Gates
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