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Friday, October 26, 2012

Love Cal

Most of people believe numerolgy what about you?

What the numbers say about your relationship with your partner?

This is the simple love percentage calculation according to you and your partners’ name. This app is calculated numbers regarding both name then it calculate the percentage of love and display it so you can find  how compatible you are with your partner through numerology compatibility and matching.

And also this app provides the message regarding both names. According to numerology how strong your relationship and how compatibly match their behavior.

App will generate the most romantic place according to your love percentage and these romantic places are world top romantic place and it is ordered according to percentage.

I also believe “Love Never Fail, People Fail on Love”

App features
  • Check your love  - it is calculated the percentage of love how match your relationship according to numerology
  • Message – calculate the relationship message according to numerology.
  • Romantic place – what is your romantic place
    OS Requirement

Android 4.1, Jelly Bean

Get the app Click here 

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