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Saturday, March 9, 2013

The future

Tester need to create test cases and file the bugs and create test plans with the artifacts, the artifacts sense creates secondary source code and it provides a value to tester activity. So separate team of testers they need to construction and maintains the test artifacts.

According to the Google ; future roles of test department people’s, briefly describing below:

Types of Google test department:

  •        Software Test Engineer
  •          Test Engineer
  •          Test Director and Manager

The future of Software Test Engineers(SWT)

In google, SWT is a developer mean they played same role as software engineers and followings are their features:

  •     Testability
  •     Reliability
  •     Debugging capability

In Google, they can simply convert SWT to the SWE and there is no difference in the titles of the engineers involved, there are no barriers to moving from test to feature development.

The future of Test Engineer(TE)

TEs have the following responsibility

  •          Test cases creation
  •          Test cases execution
  •          Done the regression testing

And it is a traditional role of testing and TE can move to following categories of expertise:
  •  Security
  •  Privacy
  •  Performance
  •  Exploratory testing

These are more challenging and senior role and it give the opportunities to great deal with expertise.

The Future of the Test Director and Manager

It gives the change to TE and SWT. They will lead and coordinate the both TE and SWT and also fused the quality of the SWE. They have the responsibility to handle the test activities in accountable manner.

The test infrastructure has been moved from manual test to automation test. In Google, they use the selenium and web driver for test automation. Nowadays Test infrastructure developers more visibility and most importantly.


How Google test software


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