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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Performance Testing

Performance Testing

      Performance Testing is the process for primarily used to determining capacity of existing systems and  creating benchmarks for future systems and evaluating degradation with various loads and/or configurations.It increase the speed , scalability , stability and confidence.

 Benefits of Performance testing 

  • A system is ready for release into production.
  • A system is likely to meet its goals.
  • Resources are being used effectively 

Type of Performance Test

  • Load test : Testing of a web site under a range of loads to determine at what point the system's response time degrades or fails .
  • Stress test : Its conducted by keeping the static concurrent system accessing the single business transactions repeatedly.
  • Scability Test : Testing is done by dynamically increasing the concurrent 
    users to access the business transaction against static data to monitor 
    the response time.


It is distributed load testing tool and it help to measure the web application directories , services ,databases and telecommunication .

Power of Load Injection 

  • Can successfully tested with up to 1300 load injectors.
  • Can successfully tested with more than 10 millions of virtual users.
  • Can transparent distribution support: centralized deployment, control and monitoring of probes and load injectors, and final collection of measures.

Type of User Interfaces 

  • Full-fledged Eclipse-based, or simple Java-swing graphical user interfaces.
  • Embedded analysis and reporting tool.
  • Full-featured ant-based or maven-based command line interface.
  • Hudson/Jenkins plug-in for automatic load testing in continuous integration.

Load Injectors 

  • HTTP(S)
  • FTP
  • TCP
  • UDP
  • LDAP
  • SIP
  • RTP

Resource Probes

  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Jvm
  • Network
  • disk


  • java 1.5+
  • Apache ant 1.8+
  • Eclipse 3.3+

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The future

Tester need to create test cases and file the bugs and create test plans with the artifacts, the artifacts sense creates secondary source code and it provides a value to tester activity. So separate team of testers they need to construction and maintains the test artifacts.

According to the Google ; future roles of test department people’s, briefly describing below:

Types of Google test department:

  •        Software Test Engineer
  •          Test Engineer
  •          Test Director and Manager

The future of Software Test Engineers(SWT)

In google, SWT is a developer mean they played same role as software engineers and followings are their features:

  •     Testability
  •     Reliability
  •     Debugging capability

In Google, they can simply convert SWT to the SWE and there is no difference in the titles of the engineers involved, there are no barriers to moving from test to feature development.

The future of Test Engineer(TE)

TEs have the following responsibility

  •          Test cases creation
  •          Test cases execution
  •          Done the regression testing

And it is a traditional role of testing and TE can move to following categories of expertise:
  •  Security
  •  Privacy
  •  Performance
  •  Exploratory testing

These are more challenging and senior role and it give the opportunities to great deal with expertise.

The Future of the Test Director and Manager

It gives the change to TE and SWT. They will lead and coordinate the both TE and SWT and also fused the quality of the SWE. They have the responsibility to handle the test activities in accountable manner.

The test infrastructure has been moved from manual test to automation test. In Google, they use the selenium and web driver for test automation. Nowadays Test infrastructure developers more visibility and most importantly.


How Google test software

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Scalability On MongoDB

MongoDB  is provided two type of scaling one is the Read scaling and second one is the write scaling. read scaling provide by Replica Sets   the and write scaling provide by the Sharding.

Replica Sets

It consist the several mongod instance and it distinguished primary and secondary . clients directly write to the primary and secondary replicate from the primary for that mongodb adds redundancy and helps to ensure high availability. more >>


It spread your workload over more machines along with high availability and . Data is partitioned to shards by ranges so that having good queries, good drives, and good working sets. more >>

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Selenium vs Windmill

Differences between Selenium and Windmill 

These are the some difference i found between selenium and windmill whatever these tools are mostly same web based automation tool.

  1. Selenium IDE (Test Recorder) mean it like a Firefox plugin we need to install the plugin so we should install firefox . more >>
      selenium IDE is shown below 

          Windmill IDE is not a plug in. It is a separate interface after installation    finished just type this in command line 

                                          windmill firefox "your testing URL"

It will open two windows one is windmill IDE (Test Recorder

other one is selected URL web page with selected browser for an example above command it will open with Firefox browser and we have the following options of browser 

  • IE
  • Safari   
  • Opera
2. Wind mill IDE integrated with debugging tools such as firebug , firebug lite and inspector so it is easy for get the location of fields. 

But selenium IDE not integrated with any debugging tool so we need to install web based debugging tool in our browser for get the location of fields.

3 Selenium support many language and many testing framework below selenium IDE image is shown 

but windmill support only for python , java script and ruby so we need programming experience on  these languages .

4.Wind mill can automatically access or transfer between two or more differing security domains  but when we take selenium it trusted mode IE and Firefox browser 
5. Proxy manipulation support only for windmill.In selenium we need to get Selenium RC server for proxy manipulation.



Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mutation testing

What is a mutation testing ?

A way for determining if a set of test data or test cases is useful, by purpose for introducing various code changes. and regression testing with the original test data/cases to determine if the 'bugs' are detected. The mutation testing make sure proper implementation  done when it is a  large computational resources.

It make sure the accuracy of unit test cases and  it is to help the tester develop effective tests or locate weaknesses in the test data used for the program

Approaches of mutation testing

  • It is  creating more effective test suites.
  • Find bugs that exist in the original source code.
  • Help for finding bugs in the original program using of mutation operator.

Benefits Of Mutation Testing

  • It is a whole level of error detection testing.
  • Ensure the accurate with detail error report 
  • It detect automatically errors and maintenance bug .

Sunday, February 10, 2013


What is Buildbot ?

It is a QA tool make sure the code changes and validate the tree structure of project and it integrate with the CVS and SVN  .

It like a configuration management tool because it store information about versions and builds of software and test ware. And also it like a client-server architecture mean it had buildbot master and buildbot slave.

How to install the buildbot in Linux

System requirement 

Ins      Install

  •           Get the buildbot master 
  •          Create a directory  (mkdir /temp/buildbot/).
  •          virtualenv --no-site-packages sandbox                                    
  •          source sandbox/bin/activate                                                 
  •          easy_install buildbot

  • Creating master 

       buildbot create-master master mv master/master.cfg.sample master/master.cfg

          Start the master  

          buildbot start master

          Check the log 

          tail -200f master/twistd.log


  • Creating Slave

  • source sandbox/bin/activate

          Install the slave command 

           easy_install buildbot-slave          

S     Start the slave

          buildbot start slave      

       Check the log 

           tail -200f slave/twistd.log
 Check this Link
         Browser open like below 

       it will display the webpage. After all configuration finish we can see multiple view of build for example following views 
      Waterfall view 

Console View

other views Grid View and Transposed View

     Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. -Bill Gates 


Saturday, February 9, 2013


About Windmill...

What is a windmill ?

It is a web automation tool and it help to cross web browser platform testing and it most like selenium.i have most practical knowledge in selenium and i shared my knowledge on selenium in my previous  Blog . And it more fulfill the following kind of tests in web based projects 
  • Regression testing - re-testing after fixes or modifications of the software or its environment. the windmill is a automation testing tool so it useful for this kind of testing.
  • functional testing - it help to test the functional requirement of the project 

How to install and use the windmill in Linux

System requirement 

First we need to install python and setup tool installation steps are following 
  • sudo apt-get install python 2.7 /python2.6
  • wget
  • sudo python windmill
  • sudo  apt-get install python-setuptools
  • sudo apt-get install python-simplejson


     sudo easy_install windmill

Run / starting IDE

   windmill shell firefox* 

It open the widnmill IDE and it has following features and option .
  • it has options for  recording , playing and editing  test cases.
  • it has DOM  explorer for capture the field locations for editing and debugging the test case.
  • Can input the assert for  the validating test case.
  • it integrate with firebug lite.

 * can be safari / IE

After installation finished , ensure these are done in your system

  • Downloaded folder (Windmill) there is a executable file if you use linux os then execute this file as mention below  - ./
  • Go to this file as in hidden folder, if you use linux "  ~/.windmill/ "and update your browser profile folder and binary folder as given below                    MOZILLA_BINARY='/usr/bin/firefox'

Running test case in windmill IDE

First start the windmill IDE. Starting command as given below

                 windmill firefox "your testing URL"

Below image shown the terminal 

Run the windmill IDE

and Open the browser 

These are the menus in windmill IDE

Click on the "Start Record " Button

Output of the Recorded test cases

Run the recorded test cases and check 

Output Of Performance test cases 

What the difference between selenium and windmill 

  1. In selenium has a Firefox plugin that lets you record actions and assertions and play them back but windmill ide record and asset action with firefox , safari and IE .
  2. Windmill support cross domain but selenium support only some trusted domain.
  3. Windmill supporting languages are Python, javascript and Ruby and selenium support many language.
  4. Windmill integrated with web based debugging tool such as firebug , firebug lite and inspector there no integration in selenium IDE.
  5. Proxy manipulation support only for windmill.

Reference :


just shared my knowledge on windmill   come from goggling  and next blog should be regarding windmill with practical knowledge....

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Love Cal

Love Cal - Android 2.3.3

Most of people believe numerology what about you?

What the numbers say about your relationship with your partner?

This is the simple love percentage calculation according to your and your partners’ name. This app is calculated numbers regarding both name then it calculate the percentage of love and display it so you can find  how compatible you are with your partner through numerology compatibility and matching.

And also this app provides the message regarding both names. According to numerology how strong your relationship and how compatibly match their behavior.

App will generate the most romantic place according to your love percentage and these romantic places are Sri lankan top romantic place and it is ordered according to percentage.

I also believe “Love Never Fail, People Fail on Love”

App features
  • Check your love  - it is calculated the percentage of love how match your relationship according to numerology
  • Message – calculate the relationship message according to numerology.
  • Romantic place – Check your romantic place using with google map. 
    OS Requirement
  •        Android 2.3.3 


Image gallery 



Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Love Cal

Love Cal - Windows mobile 7 

Most of people believe numerolgy what about you?

What the numbers say about your relationship with your partner?

This is the simple love percentage calculation according to your and your partners’ name. This app is calculated numbers regarding both name then it calculate the percentage of love and display it so you can find  how compatible you are with your partner through numerology compatibility and matching.

And also this app provides the message regarding both names. According to numerology how strong your relationship and how compatibly match their behavior.

App will generate the most romantic place according to your love percentage and these romantic places are Sri lankan top romantic place and it is ordered according to percentage.

I also believe “Love Never Fail, People Fail on Love”

App features
  • Check your love  - it is calculated the percentage of love how match your relationship according to numerology
  • Message – calculate the relationship message according to numerology.
  • Romantic place – Check your romantic place. 
    OS Requirement
  •        Windows mobile 7 


     Image gallery